Call for Paper
- All paper will be peer-reviewed by at least two international experts.
- All accepted papers will be submitted to The book series Springer Proceeding in Energy (ISSN 2352-2534).
- The official language of the conference is English.
- Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.
Abstract and Full Paper Submission
- Guide for Authors and full paper template in a Springer Proceeding paper
- Abstract can be submitted to link below (Maximum 300 words)
- Full paper can be submitted via the link below
- The number of pages of the full paper must not exceed 5 pages (without reference).
Special Issue and Journal Publication
- Based on the recommendation of the Academic Committee, selected papers will be invited for journal publication.
- Extension of the paper is required and resubmission and review process are needed for journal publication after the conference.
- Authors must follow Guide for Authors of a target journal.
- Availability of the journal will be annouced soon.
Journal Special Issue
Resource Chemicals and Materials

- Special Issue on Material for Sustainable Energy and Environment
- The manuscript and references will be formatted according to
Journal Publication
Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering (CJChE) Q2

- The impact factor of the online journal is 3.8 according to Scopus Index (Q2).
- The manuscript and references will be formatted according to
Agriculture and Natural Resources (Q4) (Open Access)

- The impact factor of the online open-access journal is 0.263 according to Scopus Index (Q4). Additionally, the journal is indexed in the ASEAN Citation Index (ACI) and Thai Citation Index (TCI-G1) in 2022.
- The manuscript and references will be formatted according to
Green Carbon (Open Access)

- The journal is an open-access publication
- The manuscript and references will be formatted according to
Green Energy and Resource (Open Access)

- Green Energy and Resources is an open-access publication. Special issue in GER will be announced soon.
- The manuscript and references will be formatted according to